Friday, February 01, 2008

Warming Families Charity organization

This charity has a really good utube video. Very nice idea for giving tribute to their contributors. This would be a great idea that other volunteer organizations (like my own church) could use to "thank" their donors. The Video Has music (by the Osmonds whom endorse this charity) and everything. Has lots of links to patterns and resources. Is a "scrapbook" of photos of the items and sometimes the donors. There's a drop down list "Pattern Menu" with what must be hundreds of links to pattern pages all neatly sorted into categories.
The focus seems to be on helping the homeless and those living in shelters of one sort or another. So, there's links to directories of shelters all across the US. Check it out to see what's in your area.
There seem to be Area Volunteers that you can contact about where to take your donated crafts in your own area.
Which works on one of my conundrums: shipping stuff round and round the world.
It really seems to help out the shipping companies: USPS, UPS, FedEx - but doesn't it dilute the actual aid that the end recipient receives? So, if I don't have to pay so much to ship it to the end user, maybe I can give more, give more frequently, give easier? Right?
What ever happened to the saying "Think globally, act locally"? Maybe I had it wrong. That should be my next investigation, shouldn't it?

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