How long has this been going on that I missed out on it?
Probably because I was boycotting anything with the word POD in it.
iPod, Podcasting, storage PODS, Pain Of Death, Payable On Death,
P.O.D. is a Grammy-nominated, multi-platinum, Nu metal band from San Diego, California.
And then there's the infamous 1978 Invasion of the Body Snatchers movie:
Pods = scary (Sutherland, Goldblum, & Nimoy are forever linked in the fear zone of my memory)
I never wanted to work in a Pod - a cubicle, a cube farm, a huge office with little spaces and no windows and no view outside, ... Yeah, well, get over it, sometimes a knitter's gotta do what a knitter's gotta do to finance the habits (addictions, obsessions).
Anyway, with the help of my technorati / geekology progeny, I am now seriously addicted to podcasts. This Cast-On podcast is definitely the gateway podcast for knitters. The kids turning me on to this pod cast thing ranks right up there with when my DH emailed me a link to a game site with the Subject: "Check this out, it's addictive".
What was he thinking, and then how dare he complain that I spent too much time playing computer games! If you have an addictive personality, or know someone who has issues with this; do us all a favor: Do Not give them this link.
But, nonetheless, I'm thankful that they did. Bless those little enablers' hearts.
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