Monday, February 18, 2008

Buying Patterns online

Have you ever bought a pattern online? How was it?
Except for one, the only patterns I have downloaded are the free ones from the yarn companies, and Knitty, and other websites that I'll remember later. The one that I paid for, I was never able to successfully download because I didn't have enough bandwidth or a fast enough connection (at the time). The vendor "cheerfully" refunded to my PayPal account.
Anyway, I've been searching for years for a true "wedding ring shawl" pattern. I once found a book listing it on Amazon, for $45. At that time, I wasn't willing to pay that much.
I just don't know if I'm willing to pay from $4 to $25 for one single pattern.
Downloading instantly from the internet would be great though. I might get started sooner and not get sidetracked onto another project if I didn't have to wait for the pattern in the mail. Or, would it just incite me into starting even more UFOs that would go lurking in the attic to haunt me?
I did order a pattern from someone on eBay that was wonderful. They sent it all printed on nice paper with a "real" photograph attached. And it didn't take that long to get it. The first one came out fabulously. Since then, I lost it halfway through knitting it the second time. I think it was Curlicue, or Cirlicue maybe? Oat Coature doesn't seem to sell online anymore, none of my LYSs carry it. One of the many tribulations of being chronically disorganized. Someday.........

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