Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New Obsession : Spinning Wheels

Ok, at last report, DH & I were trying to shear the 2 little sheep we have.  Well, admittedly, it was actually DH, DS#1, & DS#2.  And then I got in on a little of the fun after work on the second day.
Notes on shearing sheep: 
It's a dirty job!
If your sheep haven't been sheared in 2 years and have been just roaming around out in the field, It's a dirtier job.
If the field has thistles, and stick-tights, and cockle-burrs, It's a Dirtier & Thornier Job!

Sheep that are not handled by people don't like being sheared.
Jacob sheep are stronger than they look.
A Jacob sheep can drag a 6 foot tall teenager through the orchard quite a ways before he lets go.

This wool is worth it's weight in Gold, Blood, Sweat, and Tears.  And It Shall Be Spun AND USED.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Rick Reeves 1977 17" Solid Cherry "Slanty" or Saxon?

reeves 1977 by rubyintheroughknits
reeves 1977, a photo by rubyintheroughknits on Flickr.

This is how the spinning wheel looks today. Still trying to get it all fixed.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Knitting Graph paper calculator & printer

The same person as mentioned in the last post, Lucia Liljegren, has a program that will create proportionate knitters graph paper.  This is a very tallented person here.  I'll be doing more research on this.

Wolly Wormhead has good hat patterns - some are free

Wolly Wormhead has patterns for hats, caps, and other kinds of "Toppers".  They're even available in digital form for download - some free, some at a price.  Don't let the British Pounds Sterling worry you on the prices.  As of this writing, $1 = about .6 pound.  Or inversely, 1pound = about $1.65.  So, I shop online like this I kindof figure the final cost will be 2x what is shown.  Then at the end, I'm sure to have stayed in budget.  When you go to PayPal, the calculators will figure it out for you in USA Dollars if that's what you usually work with.
                                         This is one of the free patterns I'm going to try this weekend.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

I found a wonderful web page that has Typical Head Sizes in a very nice table format.
Since I'm on a hat knitting binge, I need to have this available and thought you might like it too.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Nationwide Knitting Craze Hits Four State Area

Nationwide Knitting Craze Hits Four State Area
Really?  Are we having a Nationwide Knitting Craze?  Again?  I love a good craft craze!

It'll be great if we do.  Wal-mart's sure missed the boat though.  As far as I can tell, they've cut back all their craft department offerings in the stores that I've been to lately.

Wal-mart's loss will be the LYS's gains though, won't it?  Maybe the big W has lost it's strangle-hold on the pulse of mid-america.  That would be sooooo good.  I could really look forward to the return of LYSs on Main Street and at the Strip Mall.  Actually, wherever and whenever I can find more yarn and fiber, I'm good with it.
