Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Bunting, is that what it's called?

They call this Bunting across the pond.

Who would have ever thought of knitting your own?

If I ever think I'll have the urge to

open a car dealership, I better get started now!

All though, for an outdoor wedding, this has real promise! Lacy, wedding colors, hmmmmm.

I'm not sure this is a fuggly thing after all.

Hats with Horns

Hats with Horns?

Need I say more?

Unique and creative, to say the least.

They do seem to have a "current" sense of color.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Biology Wierdness

Was this for a class?
Way out there.........
Not for the feint of heart, or stomach.......

Keep your sense of humor here......

First please refer to the definition of a Teratoma below if you haven't encountered this term before.

I am so looking forward to perusing this site when I have more time and bandwidth! The way for snarkiness just seems destined here. Please, if this is one of your favorite sites, feel free to comment. Just keep it rated PG, and I'll post it. Enjoyable discussion awaited.........

Baby's First Teratoma

Who thinks up this stuff, and what are they taking?
Wow, creativity reigns free ! Science Rules !

Complete with disturbing poetry and suggested music to listen to....
Obviously well educated writers and references to traditional touch points....
Seem to be competent knitters....
Not high on the wearability scale though.

But, Music by The Turtles? Really, this is from what, the 1960's? OK, quick time-out to do a websearch....
Did you know "The Turtles: Happy Together" was a movie in 1991? How wild is that? I missed it completely! And there was always a rumor that one of the neighbors in my childhood neighborhood were one of The Turtles' parents. Now, I'm going to have to go check that out, and maybe see the movie. Man, one thing really does lead to another! If You Take a Mouse to the Movies.....

Along with some "interesting" photos, a Google search found this on Teratoma:
a definition from Wikipedia: A teratoma is a type of tumor that derives from pluripotent germ cells. The word comes from a Greek term meaning roughly "monster tumor." Teratomata usually start from cells in the testes in men, the ovaries in women and in the sacrum in children. The designation teratoma refers to a group of complex tumors having various cellular or organoid components reminiscent of normal derivatives from more than one germ layer.

Teratomas seem to frequently include cells that grow to at least resemble hair, teeth, nails, etc. Maybe the inspiration for the character Quato? in the Movie: Total Recall. ??
Sorry to be gone so long
Are you still out there?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

If people will pay for it....

Found this "Hand Knit" 1/2" x 64" Acrylic beauty for sale online.
It can be yours for only $16 ! I guess if people will pay that much for this little, maybe it would be worth making up a few of these babies.

What do you think?

I wonder how well these sell?

Monday, October 16, 2006

Boho Style, maybe?
Is this Boho? Bohemian?
I think this is one of those where less is more.
Some of the parts are great, there's just too many parts competing for attention at one time.

Or maybe its a thing with the olive green and the pink/yellow/blue/whatever sleeve caps and neckline and just that little stripe at the wrist. What's with that color(s)?

I would really like to see it with just that one yarn changed out into something like maybe the Burgundy of the skirt top, or even the greenish gold of the belt/waist band thingy.

This is a scarf?
Ok, maybe for the "no skills" people out there.
Very young crafters to be. But......
Even the 7 year-old said, "Well, that's just looping yarn around your neck. That's not knitting.".
In defense, they did twist several kinds of yarn together to get the "effect", if you call it that.

I guess the talent it does require is to pick out yarn that looks good together and looks good when you've twisted it into kinks.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

If You Don't Wear Fur:
Why would you want to knit up something that imitates fur this closely? The little ermine / fox tails are just creepy, even if they are totally nylon.

And that poor little puppy! Talk about adding insult to injury.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Look here: you wouldn't want to miss these!

More from the New York fashion show
Another case of "Look here, I've got boobs!"

And what is with the guy behind her taking snapshots? Now I just really am dying to know what the back looks like. Is it a huge yellow arrow that points to her behind?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Kitschy Stitches!

by Stitchy McYarnpants
Published July 2006

our textbook, of sorts

also see

You are my hero!

I bow in homage to the queen of snarking at fuggliness.

Monday, September 11, 2006

White Wedding?

I'm probably old fashioned about this, but I usually think of the veil being the shearest part of the bride's trouseau. Doesn't this let the guests get to know the bride a little too well?

Bulgarian Design

This one will probably rate several posts. They really do seem to have some lovely, quality, hand knit items. And have a very high minded business philosophy, in print anyway.

Some of it will really get your attention!
I'm sure my DH just can't wait for one of these striking capes.
And many of the ladies fashions would get a lot of his attention.

The link, just in case you want to go there yourself:

Oh, the name of the little yellow outfit is Pinochio. Go figure.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Project Linus

Another worthy knit for charity site.
No Skills?

Cruising through the web, and I have recently noticed that several of the crafty sites have sections for "NO SKILLS"?

What is that supposed to mean? And who would want to admit to having No Skills? Isn't one of the reasons that we craft supposed to be to at least develop skills? If nothing else, patience is a skill. Isn't it?

Looking at what they're promoting, I think that there would be a skill or two involved in completing these projects. They're just not an easy to label skill.

And, honestly, maybe they're describing the designers that came up with some of these projects to shill their fuggly materials on caretakers of young children so that it ends up on my refrigerator door!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Macaroon, schmacaroon:
I had really thought this was a cute pattern when I first saw it.

I didn't think anything about how bad this would look until I saw the Macaroon yarn in the reduced bin at LYS.

What they had on sale at 75% off was white with black stringy things and then black with white. Really pretty bizarre. Are we done with this look yet?

I kind of can see it when the colors are great or if the yarn is really soft or feels outstanding. But if it doesn't even feel good, what's the point?

Friday, September 01, 2006

Christmas Ball

I'm not sure, but this child might need counseling.

I know this would have caused loads of entertainment at my school. Like the other kids couldn't find enough to tease me about.

Now, on the other hand; if your kid sees this, and says "Wow, could you make me one of those?". I've added the link to the pattern just in case.

And, if the wearer is 2 years old, I'm sure it would be adorable. Just don't count on a positive reaction if you force a 13 year old to wear this in public. Not that you can ever expect a positive reaction from a 13 year old.....

Men's Wear?

"Kimono-inspired sweater. "Dramatic Plaid" "

Really? Wow!

I don't know where to start.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

A moment of silence in honor of all those touched by Katrina and Rita.

Photo by DHR at Bay St. Louis, MS 10/02/2005.

May you find peace.

Countdown to the official Grand Opening of the Ruby In The Rough Blog:
Four Days, that's 96:40 exactly until I will officially be "up and running" a full fledged Blog.

Believe it or not, what you have seen up until now has just been under construction practice.
It's not the real thing. You didn't see anything. We're not really here.

Which brings me to the above photos that I came across today. These are two of the projects that actually got finished! And they are actually still in use, although not by their original owners. These were my first Circular Needle projects, and the beginning of the obsession. The Harry Potter Scarf was originally made for a brother in 2002. The Orange & Blue stocking cap was the next project to be finished. Orange isn't a favorite color, but it's the school color for the intended victim. He left it at home when he moved, so it's fair game now. Whoever needs it, wears it. Just thought you might like to see the beginnings of my obsession.

Why is it you never see knitting in a Mission Impossible movie? What about something like Air America? The chicken did knit in Chicken Run.

Note to self: Add a page of "Movies that Feature Knitting". Any one want to contribute their favorite knitting moments on the big screen?

That's the goal anyway. So... Stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Size Does Matter. But bigger isn't always better.

What were they thinking? This is a lovely model that I've seen in a lot of adds. Is it a "one size fits all" problem?

Is this jacket big enough for three of her, or what?

I'm sure she's probably a small person, but this is rediculous, isn't it?

Undergarments People!
From our friends at Rebecca

Really, would this get you arrested in your hometown?
I know places where it would get plenty of unwanted attention.
I know, it's just sour grapes because I know I wouldn't look that good.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My pirate name is:

Red Jenny Bonney

Get your own pirate name from
part of the network

Brilliant: Tit-Bits
Beryl Tsang has done an incredible job with her Tit Bits: Hand Knitted Breasts.
Available to buy at:
Witty directions available at:

What a wonderful idea! This seems like such an empowering exercise for Breast Cancer survivors.

Bless you all!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Next up in "I didn't finish it because......"

Another in the Unfinished project category.
Is this an idea for what to do with UFOs? If you start the project with the sleeves, when you get tired of knitting, just stitch them to the hem of your tee shirt sleeves. Or, this one in particular, is attached with buttons. That would make the sleeves easier to remove for washing, change in climate, coming to your senses, etc.
Excellent save for various situations: Ran out of yarn, Ran out of time, Figured out it wasn't going to go with anything in the wardrobe - so really flaunt that it won't match,
Great way to use up little bits of yarn. If the cat, or mice, or toddler, get into the knitting bag part way through the project and ruin the yarn. Fun way to salvage what's left of a favorite heirloom sweater? I doubt it. If it was fun fur, she could have interchangeable gorilla arms!
Fixes for this disaster: It could actually be cute in a lacy stitch or a fine yarn that might otherwise be inapproriate for an entire top. Especially if it in some way coordinated with any other piece of her wardrobe.
There is a school in my area with really bad HVAC control. Maybe this is the solution. In the classrooms where it's 100 f. take the sleves off, elsewhere in the building where it's 50 f. button them on. And there's less of a security issue than with coats.
Hmmm ... Suggestion to the school board:

Poppy ran out of yarn

Another case of running out of yarn. And we'll just finish it off with this Kicky Ribbon.

This is honestly one of my favorite reasons for Top-Down knitting. But, this pattern starts at the hem. Wouldn't you know there wasn't going to be enough yarn and make something else? Is it just that they don't want to do all the knitting that goes into a regular length garment?

Are we past the crop top, midriff baring phase yet? Really, how many women should show their bellies off? Have you hung out at WalMart lately? Please! Enough! Cover that thing up.

Then there's the unexplained pattern name: Poppy?

I know poppies. I grow poppies. You are no Poppy.
Foundation Garments, People

I know there's a fashion struggle going on still.
To bra, or not to bra? That seems to be the question.
We've gotten past the shock of seeing straps, and all the other parts of a bra peeking out from skimpy tops. So, wear one!
Or Layer, Or something. When this one gets a chill, what else are we going to see peeking out?
When the patten title is "Dropped Stitch Tank", everyone knows you're going to need another garment to go with.

Unless, of course, the wearer is prepubescent. Maybe this is a situation for those large bandaids?

This is probably a very "cool" top. It would not block the sun if you're going for that all over, all be it mottled, tan.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

One way to hide those Elf Ears: Ear Mitts.

I guess this is one way to cover up ears you're embarrassed by.

Little ear cozies. A great way to use up the smallest leftovers.

2006.08.26 - A young person has asked if these could be made fuzzy, and in the shape of elf ears or alien ears. Are there any of you up to the challenge?

Retro Fug :

Vote here:
is this
or is it "funky"
or "kicky"?

Far Left: Accessories should coordinate. All knits worn at one time should complement each other.

Right top: Are ALL Leg Warmers totally passe? Or just the technicolor thigh highs?

All these patterns are from one issue of Family Circle Great Ideas - 101 Fashions & Crafts (1976) available on eBay through tomorrow. It's going for about $5 at this time, make your first bid your best one. Really, there were some lovely items shown otherwise, and the cover photo looked great. I'm just not sure that I would have picked these for the eBay add to sell the thing.

What about those cute pedicure socks from Knitty?

What about if you're wearing the pedicure socks with your Crocks or Fakenstocks, and you don't have, but really need, a pedicure. What if you make the pedicure socks longer than average, and want to show them off. So you wear them on the outside of your jeans? Or with shorts?

Let me know what you think. I need to know the level of FUG we are willing to tolerate.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

This sounds so ..........! Wow! Don't forget to go to Yarn-Monkey.blogspot and sign up before 8 September, 2006.

Are YOU ready for Sock Wars 2006?
Sock Wars is a bloody, international death-by-sock tournament in which there can be only one survivor.
The Tournament: On 22nd September you will be emailed a top secret file containing the details of your target and a pattern. To kill your target you must knit them the pair of socks in the pattern and mail it to them.Once your target receives your parcel they are dead and must immediately post their death on the “fallen comrades” section of yarnmonkey’s site.They must also immediately send you details of their intended target (who becomes your next person to assassinate) along with their unfinished knitting (which becomes your new weapon).All the while this is going on, someone has been assigned you as their target…Prepare to live in fear… Kill or be killed.If by the end of the tournament (24th November) there is still more than one survivor it becomes a case of kill the monkey. The first of those left standing to kill me by sock wins!
UpdatesThe battleground will be on the sockwars forum. Check out for more info and updates.To enter email with the following details:Your nameYour aliasYour address (include your country)Your emailYour blog (if you have one)Your shoe size (and which measuring system you use e.g. US size 9, UK size 9, Aus, etc.)
Deadline for entry: 8th September 2006

One of the reasons I would like to keep up this Blog is to highlight volunteer and charity oportunities for crafty people. The many charities of the world need more good FOs and less fugliness. That's where you all come in, if you want.

You can donate money, or donated your talents. Many hospitals, women's care centers, etc. throughout the country will accept donated baby items.

Or - Consider this charity:

Caps to the Capital (shouldn't that be Capitol?) is a program through Save the Children. Knit a newborn / premie cap and send it to Save the Children before January 2, 2007.

Sorry the "Get in the Loop" link won't work from here.

Click on this: for more information, a PDF information kit with Poster, sample letter, and Patterns for caps to knit or crochet.

Mohair and Shorts: Words That Do Not Go Together

And they come in all colors!

The words Balaclava and Mohair will never mean the same to me. "Men's sweater with a pouch" has an entirely new meaning that I never imagined.
I’m sorry; I was in shock for a little while. The Mohair Knitters eBay store is not the kind of fuggly I was trying to search out. I’m sure that when it comes to this stuff, beauty is in the eye, or nether regions, of the beholder.
But, I’ve spent the last couple of hours absolutely wracked with itchiness and spasms of shivers. Dare I say, “This gives me the Willies”?

Maybe I need to expand my awareness of Mohair and Angora. But, now, I don't know if I'll ever be able to pick up a ball of Mohair in my LYS without unexplainable hysterical reactions. I'm not sure I could stop laughing long enough to pay for it. It's hard enough to get the DH to go into LYS with me. Now, I won't be capable of even asking him without having a fit of some kind. I guess this is why we have mail order, internet order, and, dare I say it, "eBay". PayPal even keeps the nice lady at the bank from knowing what I'm really buying with that Debit Card!

Well, I'm not sure this is the direction I meant to take with this blog.
Sigh............ Exhale.............. Focus...........
Speechless, Totally Speechless

I'm sure I'll think of something later.

Please be Politically Correct and Harassment Policy sensitive in your comments.

Now I know why the fuzzy blue suit was in the Men's Shorts section! And, we'll not be calling it by any Muppet names ever again. I sincerely apologize to the entire race of Muppets, and all of Sesame Street.

Warning: Always use Virus Protection. Block ALL Cookies from suspicious sites. Observe Office policy regarding Internet and Web Access use. Do not open this site while eating or drinking; Unless you enjoy Diet Coke spewing from your nose.
Warning: This link is not approved by the establishment for use by children, or anyone without a ribald sense of humor.

Photo later, when I've virus checked the H..l out of it. And, after a shot of penicillin.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Leave it to the British: A Sun Costume?

Pattern available now on eBay - cheap, but shipping will cost extra.

Hmmmm....... The eBay listing mentions something about eBay can't be held responsible for the "translation"? Maybe somethings missing in the translation. Let's see.

You're getting a pattern to make in Bamboo Wool. Well, OK. But White? With a Hoodie?
Maybe it's just me again. I hope noone throws her in the water!

Ahhh, I get it, maybe she's supposed to tan Through the suit!

What do you think? Does it have a back? Or is the hood just an overdone halter neck strap?

New 8/22/2006: Right now there are zero bidders, and it's going for $0.19 and about $4 shippint to the US from Nottingham, UK. Keep in mind this is for the pattern only, and it's a size 30 - 32", no mention what part of the body that 30" is supposed to fit. Waist? Bust? Hip!?! Maybe length? It's certainly not inseam. If you want to follow the auction: search for knitting pattern sun costume. Sorry, I'm learning to paste the link.

Maybe the poor thing needs food.
The Dancer Part 2 : Annmarie
I think she was featured in You Knit What?? previously as Krya.
This poor girl really needs some help with her moves.
But, I guess this is what you can do with the UFO from your grandmother's atic. She probably meant for it to be a couch afghan or a lap robe for the nursing home. But, hey, if the mice chewed up the rest of the yarn, just make it into a shruggy type thingy. If you're moving fast enough, maybe they won't notice how it looks.

Does it show?
Remember back in Jr. High when "Mother Nature paid a visit"? Back in the dark ages when thongs were worn on feet in the summer. Back when the machine in the Ladies had only Pads for a nickle? Did you ever have those friends that were always, well every few weeks, asking "Hey, walk behind me for a minute. Does my pad show?"

Well honey, here's your answer. No pad will ever show in these shorts! Heck, you could probably wear some of those very sexy Depends under here without any problem. And if you wear enough black and those Doc Marten's, nobody's gonna be checkin' out your backside anyway. And, I bet there's never a camel toe issue with these.

And this is what they look like before she put them on!
Why does the pink and orange combination have to come back around again, and again, and again .........
What would it take to kill this?
Does this look good in a certain light?
Maybe if you're on the right medications?
Is is a generation skipping eye disorder?
Bloomin' A!
What would be the tag line for an add for these? "Be the most colorful butt of the joke"?
This is one of the very few Fugly FOs that I have ever found on one particular site, that I shall not mention to defame. I have found some of my very best and favorite patterns on the same site, and I love their sense of adventure. Some of their stuff is really lovely and creative. Butt really now, who could wear this?
Well, I do know Tammy the Clown from Barnum & Bailly, and this would look really great on her. And saying that she looks "good in anything" is a backhanded compliment. Please don't think I'm backstabbing her, she really is cute as a Button.
In Hindsight: Job interview tip: don't go this direction.

Friday, August 18, 2006





Holy Harry Monster Batman!

This is just Wrong!

Actually sold on eBay from the UK. Originally posted by Claire (

New 08/22/2006: This sold for $125 with a "Buy it Now", and s/he has more! Surely, there's more cost in yarn in this much square footage of surface area. I'll be watching with great interest. This Cookie Monster suit was listed as blue mohair & angora, and curously with a description as Men's Pants & Shorts. I'm sure there's much more to this story. Hope the link works, I'm still learning:
I'm sure it'll only be on there for a limited time, as this sold in April 2006.

The miracle of the internet, where across the vast reaches of space and time, one can interact with others that share the same interests, hopes, dreams & goals. And obsessions.
And try to answer, or at least discuss in a civilized manner, global issues.
Like "You Knit What??"
I would love to cary on after the manner of what was started by those that came before, if it is the wish of the public at large to support this effort. I think it may take more than a few tries to fill their Crocks, and I would not presume to think that I could replace the service they have provided.
Let me know what you think.
I'll be setting up, and expanding this Blog from now until Sept. 1, 2006 when it will be officially unveiled in all it's glory. If you want to participate in the design decisions, feel free to comment as you see fit.
I have: a scanner, too much techno gear to justify letting it all collect dust, an overwhelming stash, outrageous books, patterns, magazines and clippings from a lifelong craft addiction, enough IT support to get by, an overwhelming desire to laugh at least once a day.
I will so much miss the ladies that have brought "You Knit What??" to us for oh, so many months. The joyful times spent trying not to fall off my office chair .......... trying not to wet myself and make a spectacle........
