One of the reasons I would like to keep up this Blog is to highlight volunteer and charity oportunities for crafty people. The many charities of the world need more good FOs and less fugliness. That's where you all come in, if you want.
You can donate money, or donated your talents. Many hospitals, women's care centers, etc. throughout the country will accept donated baby items.
Or - Consider this charity:
Caps to the Capital (shouldn't that be Capitol?) is a program through Save the Children. Knit a newborn / premie cap and send it to Save the Children before January 2, 2007.
Sorry the "Get in the Loop" link won't work from here.
Click on this: http://www.savethechildren.org/capstothecapital/ for more information, a PDF information kit with Poster, sample letter, and Patterns for caps to knit or crochet.
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