Four Days, that's 96:40 exactly until I will officially be "up and running" a full fledged Blog.
Believe it or not, what you have seen up until now has just been under construction practice.
It's not the real thing. You didn't see anything. We're not really here.
Which brings me to the above photos that I came across today. These are two of the projects that actually got finished! And they are actually still in use, although not by their original owners. These were my first Circular Needle projects, and the beginning of the obsession. The Harry Potter Scarf was originally made for a brother in 2002. The Orange & Blue stocking cap was the next project to be finished. Orange isn't a favorite color, but it's the school color for the intended victim. He left it at home when he moved, so it's fair game now. Whoever needs it, wears it. Just thought you might like to see the beginnings of my obsession.
Why is it you never see knitting in a Mission Impossible movie? What about something like Air America? The chicken did knit in Chicken Run.
Note to self: Add a page of "Movies that Feature Knitting". Any one want to contribute their favorite knitting moments on the big screen?
That's the goal anyway. So... Stay tuned.
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