Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Yarn Thickness Chart at Ohio Valley Natural Fiber

I've been to the website for Ohio Valley Natural Fiber.
There's a great Yarn Thickness Chart in downloadable PDF form that I think will be really handy. I'm trying to put together a comprehensive chart or excel file or something that will let me figure out what to do with the yarns that I have. Part of my own 12 step program for OCD Clutterer.
In summary: The yarn weights come from how many Wraps Per Inch or WPI a yarn is. You wrap the yarn in question around something (can be anything from a ruler to a pop sicle stick to a very expensive specialty tool.) You make sure the yarn is not stretched, but not too slack; not over lapping anywhere, but no gaps. Then you count the times it wraps around in one inch of length.

#0 LACE Weight is 20 to 18 WPI
#1 FINGERING Weight is 16 to 14 WPI
#2 SPORT Weight is 12 to 10 WPI
#3 CHUNKY Weight is 9 to 8 WPI
#4 BULKY Weight is 5 to 6 WPI

Which obviously brings up the questions: What is 7 WPI? What about my lumpy handspun that starts out as 4 WPI and the eventually ends up at 24 WPI over the course of about 25 yards? All those questions, and more, will be answered as time goes by.

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