Wow, I just stumbled on this one today.
And I want to post it before I loose it.
I've been hit extra hard with the "be reasonable this Christmas" philosophy.
In other years, my OCD Hoarding / Shopping problem has gotten me into a LOT of trouble. Last year, I was able to admit that I had a major problem. But not before I had maxed out every financial resource I had. This year, I want to do so much better. I'm already starting with one foot in the hole though. The financial resources are already pretty drained. Why do I still have the urge to open new accounts so I can buy stuff people don't really want? I know that I don't really need anything. I know my kids only want "stuff" because other people and TV tell them they "want" it.
Friday night, I was watching "Numbers" when the guy made a bet that he could last longer without buying anything "unnecessary".
Sunday - wow, that pastor is really hitting home with me every Sunday! It's getting really eerie.
Then Today, I find this "buy hand made" site.
Alright already! I have stash, I know I should use it! I'll get back to work now.
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