Well, maybe I do need a 12 step program. So i searched online and found Clutterers Anonymous. No meetings anywhere within range of the middle of nowhere where I am. So, I'll be reading their website this evening. Do any of you have any experience with a CA group?
Do any of you think it's possible to do this on my own? Well, I mean I think I will have the support of family and several friends. But, I really don't think any of them really get it. I've tried to explain it to a few very supportive and well meaning friends. Sometimes it just seems so hopeless.
I'm not even sure what my real problem is. I collect things. Stuff that I don't even know why I collect it. Stuff that I should be able to throw away or give away without getting all crazy about it. I buy things I don't need. I keep things I can't use. Why?
So, if I admit it, and if I work on it hard enough, can I get control of it? Can I get past it?
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