Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Knitting Daily Poetry Magnets

What do Knitting, Poetry, and Magnets have in common?

Knitting Daily is a very positive and enlightening email subscription newsletter. I love their patterns and information. Although it does concern me that they've "suddenly" started selling some of the patterns. Pretty smart business move, but I didn't think of it. If I remember right, they're the popular ones out of the magazine that is sold out of back issues. So, I guess having to pay for it is better than not being able to get it at all. (Where have I heard that before? Hmmmm......)

Today's had this link to a really cute idea: They're selling those little magnets with words on them. It seems that they might be a lead in to a poetry contest? Maybe? All the words are knitting (or at least crafts) related. So..... you can write cute little sayings on your Refrigerator or file cabinet at work.

I have to admit though I have some issues with this. I know, these phobias are not reasonable, but here they are anyway:
1) I'm always leary of magnets in the mail. I know, people don't mail floppy disks anymore. But, once my sister's brother-in-law's boss' nephew lost a bunch of important gaming information that way.
2) Don't stick magnets to the computer case / box / thingy. I know they're not very powerful. But, I still freak anytime I see magnets on a CPU. It just can't be good.
3) Can't we make these ourselves? Not that I would, but couldn't we just take a sheet of paper and print words on it, cut them up and use tape? Heaven forbid, maybe even write the words on paper with a pen or pencil. By Hand! Yeah, I know, "How Unprofessional !" But, hey How Cheap!

Yeah, I know, I need to get over it.

1 comment:

Esther Paris said...

I rescued a fridge magnet. It was ad for an ambulance chaser or something like that. Maybe it was last year's calendar from local ball team. I peeled off the ad part. Then I had a nice big piece of magnetized sticky rubber. I printed out the list of K.D. words and glued them onto the rescued magnetized sticky rubber former-advertisement. Voila - made it myself. If you want to copy this idea, feel free. You can still print the words from the K.D. web site.
