There's a lot on the internet about how to card wool and spin wool; how to start with a commercially prepared Top or the myriad other forms available for purchase. There are many discussions on how to diplomatically let your esty or eBay seller know that your are displeased with the amount of "the Barn" recieved along with the wool or alpaca fiber.
So, just for the sake of covering the topic: Let's say that I've sheared my very own sheep and it's got a lot of VM and other sheepishness in it. (Because we have, and it does.) Nobody to notify (or complain to) but myself. Can't bear to just throw it away...... Can't let DH know it's been a "worthless waste of time" to have a couple of sheep..........
How's this for a plan:
1. Shake out the fleece/blanket that is still all together. But, it's really more in clumps than a fleece.
2. Gently spray with a hose on Mist while the fleece clumps rest on a sheet of expanded aluminum lath like they use for stucco. Think of a large strainer - only flat; holes are big enough to put a pencil through, but not a finger.
3. Wash and rinse in plenty of very cool water with a tiny bit of detergent. (Very worried about felting the wool that is "irreplaceable")
4. Let dry.
5. Comb out chunks with livestock combs used to prep show animals.
6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 every time DH goes to work for as many repeats as necessary.
7. Get out the good hand carders.
8. Never, ever let on what a PITA this has been. When asked, smile and recite what a joy it is to work with REAL WOOL we raised our very selves.
9. Find out how on earth the real sheep raising people keep the little beasties clean.
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