So, beauty being in the eye of the beholder, is this FUGGLY or NOT?

It's in "BOHO" yarn, which I need to investigate more before I pass judgment. I think color choice and wearing environment would be two of the many issues here.
Is it too much of a Target? Maybe that's not as much of a problem as I imagine. Depending on the wearing environment, this could be a major health hazard, couldn't it? I'm thinking that in one of my past school's colors: RED and White, this would have been a sticky spit-balled mess at the end of the day. On the other hand, the ex centric aunt in me wants to start one as soon as possible for that pre-teen that I have a b-day coming up for. She really loves the trendy Pink Camo look. I just don't want to be the one responsible for the "Christmas Story - bunny jammies" or the "Home Alone Ducky Sweater = (a kid could get beat up wearing something like that)". I so much want to be the Cool Relative! Have you seen the cell-phone commercials where the parent and teen are mock fighting over that the Kid IS getting this cell phone, and You SO Get It!
How about the vibrant Hunter Orange with a Sand Camo? I personally like the spiral motif. Especially for the hormonal teen years. You know, the whirl-wind, spiraling whirlpool, tornado, hurricane, TAZ type images. I'm probably the only one that gets the joke though, so it's probably humor lost on the masses.
So, what do you think?
1 comment:
yeah, a part of me wants it bad, am a knitter mostly but the crochet version is even more appealing to--something--in me
but i too am sobered by the target aspect and the thought i probably could only wear it at home alone
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