Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The origins of Schwag / Shwag / Swag?

Knitting connection to what sidetracked ramblings follow:
Knitty.com (http://knitty.com/blog/2008/04/biggest-contest-knitty-has-ever-had.html)
is have a contest in honor of their 50 Millionth Site Visit.

"So we sat down and thought about how we could thank you guys for reading, linking to, talking about and knitting from Knitty magazine. And one thing came to mind: really great shwag."

There's that word again. Where did it come from?

Have you ever had one of those days where you hear the same term over and over again? And you realize that it isn't a word you remember being in the dictionary or on the spelling list at school? Well Schwag or Swag is one of those words for me. I was trying to figure out if it was an acronym for something. "Something Worthy As Gift" "Some With A Gift" "Stuff Can Happen With a Gift" "Special Happiness Wins A Grin" I don't know. I wanted it to mean something. So, I looked it up:

There was an article int Wired 9.01 (http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/9.01/schwag.html)
"As schwag has evolved into a status symbol, even the word itself is gaining respectability. Once it was slang for stupid, or for low-quality reefer, or, in the classical, dictionary sense - spelled swag - it meant ill-gotten gains or booty. Today schwag has morphed its way into the American lexicon, sans criminal undertones. And so, there's now The Schwag, a Grateful Dead tribute band, and "schwag hags" who covet "schwag bags" hawked at extreme sports events. And there are the industry professionals, who wish the word would just go back where it came from."

There's also the Urban Dictionary: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=schwag
The term is also used by many pot heads to describe anything that is low grade.
noun. low grade marijuana"
Yep, there once again, is a word that my Aunt Mary would have ROFL over. A word that not so many years ago might have gotten you detention. Out there in the mainstream with everyone, even knitting grannies, saying it without a clue as to what it means! Aunt Mary, believe it or not, convinced me that Reading The Dictionary Is FUN. I know, she brain washed me when I was young and vulnerable. They didn't used to prosecute people for those kinds of child abuse (kidding).

I keep a list of the words that my kids can say without even blinking, except when in my presence they give me "that look" because they know I'm obsessed about it. It's the list of things that I just cannot say in front of my MIL. I was going to list them here, but I want to keep the G-family rating. Even you would be amazed at the words on my list. Words that you use everyday that your great-grandmother would be scandalized by. Really.
Then there's the words that my MIL uses that have changed meaning: thong, hickey, shag, ...

Aunt Mary didn't ever want to rest in peace. She's up there; texting to me "LMAO" !

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Choo Choo Knits goes the way of MacGyver

I was reading Choo Choo Knits retelling of her devastating Harmony needles accident. (You've got to go there and read it yourself: http://choochooknits.blogspot.com/2008/04/dont-make-me-go-all-macgyver-on-your-as.html

And, my reaction was: Good for You !
Nothing should get in the way of Knitting. Kind of like mailmen used to be "Neither rain, nor snow..." before they became Postal Workers.
MacGyver is one of my heroes. I even got the DVD collection and watched back to back with my DS2, he's 12, on a snowy weekend.
I watch Survivor with DD2, a lot, and we used to talk about how I would take knitting stuff as my luxury item. But now the Survivors don't get to pick what they take with them. The producers have taken to dropping them off at their destination during what is supposed to be a "photo-shoot" and things like that. Very "three hour tour"ish. Any way, we sit there watching, and knitting, and figuring out how we could make knitting tools and come up with fiber to knit. Even more extreme than MacGyver.
When an unnamed airline took away my knitting, I practiced knitting (on the plane) with airline supplied tooth-picks and dental floss from my carry on. If they hadn't supplied tooth-picks, I might have been trying those little pre-flossed tooth cleaner gizmos my dentist keeps giving me in my "good patient" baggie.
My seat-mates thought I had really lost my mind. But, I figured I'll never see them again.
I had a very nice Christmas Snowflake decoration by the time I got home.

We shall overcome!

PS: I had a Stamped self addressed bubblewrap and cardboard envelope to send home my precious Addi turbos. And, not thinking Survivorish at the time, I put my UFO in my checked luggage. Had I been thinking more clearly, I might have realized that it would have been better to put the Addi's in the luggage with the UFO Still ON Them ! But, in the end it was a wise decision because the Snail Mail envelope got to my home before my lost luggage did!

PSS: everytime I try to add Addi as a Label for this Post, it tries to insert Addicted ! Coincidence? I think Not !

Friday, April 11, 2008

Not doing so well on the 12 step Fibe-holics Anon program

Well, after the dust of March Madness has settled, I've had a chance to evaluate the fluctuations in my stash over the last few weeks. My search for Jayhawk Crimson and Blue yarn for my Jayhawk Jaywalker Socks did NOT help to whittle down the stash. I seem to have totally lost control, again. It seems that every March, I totally loose control. Really, it's the only sports that I ever really follow. I start watching about the time they post the stuff to pick your brackets, and by the time they're at the Final Four I can't leave the TV for a moment. And in between games, I go foraging for yarn! Why is that? What was I thinking? If I was a drinker, I would probably be having horrible hangovers for the whole Championships. In a weird way, it is a lot like drinking in that I don't seem to realize what I'm doing while I'm doing it.

You know, a rational adult (notice I'm not counting college students) does not go out and say "I'm going to spend all the money I can get my hands on to get so totally drunk that I cannot even remember what I was doing, where I was, or who I was with". Right? Do they?

But here I am, "coming to" the week after the Championships with a "Yarn-Over". I have holes in my memory as to why I bought yarn that I'm finding that I obviously obliviously stashed around during a 3 week spree of LYS SEX. I have bags in my car that I have no Idea How to smuggle into the house.

I could blame it on the extra traveling that I was doing. Yeah, that's it, I'm only in some of those cities Once A Year. I HAD to go to the Best LYS in Town while I was there. Right? You can't go to New York and not go to Times Square, Chicago and miss Marshal's, Minnesota and skip the Mall of America? No, that would be Un-American. So, when you're in a town with a great Yarn Shop, you MUST GO there. That's just all there is to it.

So, this weekend, I can either do the TAXES or I can list all my stash on Ravelry and eBay so I can pay my taxes.
What a Decision.
I really am going to have to count on the Ravelry groups to help me Bust this Stash. Maybe I can knit Basketball stuff? Those nets surely use up some yarn.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Overdying the Regia

In case I didn't give enough details on how I was dying the yarn;
I unwound the two skeins of yarn. Each color section was carefully looped and tied into a bundle. So, it resembled a long garland of knotted wads of yarn. I stuffed the sections that didn't need to be dyed into a pint sized canning jar and closed it with a wide mouthed canning lid and ring as tight as I could. Realistically, I knew that I really couldn't keep color from wicking into it, but it was worth a try and worked out pretty well.
Next, I set two quart jars into a large kettle and wedged the pint jar of yarn so it's lid was on about the same level as the tops of the empty quarts. I put the parts that needed red into the left jar, and the parts that needed more blue into the right jar. I filled the quart jars with water and 3/4 cup of vinegar each. Next, filled the kettle almost up with room temp water. Then, heated the whole shebang to a simmer and left it to cool on the burner overnight. (It was a very short night).
Early the Next morning, started the kettle heating up while I mixed the Wilton Cake Dye with water. I heated two batches of about 2 cups of water and added a blob of dye with a toothpick to each: One Read and One Blue. I tried to mix the dye into the water. It seems to be easier when the water is hotter. Overnight, the two quarts of yarn soaking in vinegar water had soaked up, evaporated and steamed away about half of their water. So, there was room in each quart of most of the 2 cups of dye water. I used a butter knife to carefully swish the yarn knots, vinegar water and dye to mix. The heat was turned up and the water in the kettle brought to a simmer, but not a full boil. We kept it hot for most of 2 basketball games, topping off the quarts with the last of the dye water as the level went down and replenishing the kettle bath water as needed.
I would have never believed it, but the water did clear as the yarn soaked up the dye. Very bizarre. The kettle was taken off the burner and left to cool while we cooked dinner, cleaned up, etc. All while watching the Basketball games, of course! So, I'm not really clear on the times. Eventually the kettle was room temp to the touch. I kept worrying about "shocking" the mostly wool yarn with a temperature change. I don't know if that's a problem with Regia or not. I was not about to take a chance though.
When it finally cooled, the yarn that had dye was rinsed with clear room temp water (one color at a time). It didn't really have much color left to rinse out. Then I 'unsealed' the colors that were supposed to be protected in the empty pint jar. Well, there was some dye mix in there that had worked it's way up the yarns. So, rinsing it until clear was a little more challenging.
I rolled the whole bundle (massive mess) in a bath towel until it quit dripping. The whole thing and a pile of kitchen towels went in to the rocking chair with me. It took half a basketball game to hang it in some sense of order on the Christmas Stocking hooks on the fireplace. At the beginning of the next round of Basketball, we untied each little bundle and wound each ball of the yarn onto the kniddyknoddy. It was still fairly damp, but this time of year at my house with the fireplace going it's about zero humidity so things dry really fast.
Since I had started the toes of both socks, and hadn't frogged back all the way out, there was a little quasi toe at the beginning of each ball of yarn so I wouldn't get them wrong end first. The loosely tied hanks went to hang back on the fireplace hooks for the night.
Next morning (Easter), while everyone was ecstatic over Easter Baskets, and showing off their outfits, and practicing their song and getting their hair just right. And then the drive into Church and all that goes with that; I was patiently listening, and smiling, complementing, and winding the yarn into two little balls to take with me in my little Easter purse.
My own little special project. I had turned the wrong yarn into the perfect yarn for about 25 cents of vinegar and food coloring using the stove to keep the kitchen warm anyway.
Wow - skip on over to the sock page to see how they're going.
Rock Chalk Jay Hawk!
