Was this for a class?
Way out there.........
Not for the feint of heart, or stomach.......
Keep your sense of humor here......
First please refer to the definition of a Teratoma below if you haven't encountered this term before.
I am so looking forward to perusing this site when I have more time and bandwidth! The way for snarkiness just seems destined here. Please, if this is one of your favorite sites, feel free to comment. Just keep it rated PG, and I'll post it. Enjoyable discussion awaited.........
Baby's First Teratoma
Who thinks up this stuff, and what are they taking?
Wow, creativity reigns free ! Science Rules !
Complete with disturbing poetry and suggested music to listen to....
Obviously well educated writers and references to traditional touch points....
Seem to be competent knitters....
Not high on the wearability scale though.
But, Music by The Turtles? Really, this is from what, the 1960's? OK, quick time-out to do a websearch....
Did you know "The Turtles: Happy Together" was a movie in 1991? How wild is that? I missed it completely! And there was always a rumor that one of the neighbors in my childhood neighborhood were one of The Turtles' parents. Now, I'm going to have to go check that out, and maybe see the movie. Man, one thing really does lead to another! If You Take a Mouse to the Movies.....
Along with some "interesting" photos, a Google search found this on Teratoma:
a definition from Wikipedia: A teratoma is a type of tumor that derives from pluripotent germ cells. The word comes from a Greek term meaning roughly "monster tumor." Teratomata usually start from cells in the testes in men, the ovaries in women and in the sacrum in children. The designation teratoma refers to a group of complex tumors having various cellular or organoid components reminiscent of normal derivatives from more than one germ layer.
Teratomas seem to frequently include cells that grow to at least resemble hair, teeth, nails, etc. Maybe the inspiration for the character Quato? in the Movie: Total Recall. ??